Monday, May 26, 2008

Day 3: NY Practice and Procedure Part I (3 days behind)

  • Scheduled: May 22
  • Actual: May 26
  • Subject: NY P&P I

Well, today is Memorial Day and is supposed to be a day off on the BarBri calendar.  After visiting with the parents for the weekend, I had to study today.  I'm a bit worried about the pace, but I think I'm finally starting to get into the groove of this thing.

Only one big question: BarBri provides lecture handouts with blanks that are supposed to be filled in as you listen to the lecture.  After you fill these in, you review your lecture notes and create a study outline.  Well, I already have some BarBri outlines from 2005, so I'm debating whether it is more efficient to:

  1. Just edit those as I go along listening to the lecture and then review those notes later.
  2. Fill in the blanks and then compare the lecture notes with the outlines I already have after the lecture is over.

If I have any readers (unlikely), feel free to share your opinion(s) in the comments section!

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