Friday, May 30, 2008

Day 4: NY Practice and Procedure Part II (3 days behind)

  • Scheduled: May 28
  • Actual: May 30
  • Subject: NY P&P II

So I'm still behind and now I have a wedding to go to this weekend.  This P&P is dreadful.  I remembered how much I dislike civil procedure. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ranking of Lecturers

This list is my subjective ranking of the lecturers for the NY BarBri course.  You can feel free to agree or disagree and I'll try to update the ranking periodically.

  1. Michael A. Simons (SJU) -- Criminal Law
    Simons is engaging, clear, and, dare I say, almost entertaining.
  2. J. Kip Cornwell (SHU) -- Criminal Procedure
    Cornwell is somewhat boring, but explains the material fairly clearly.  He is about what I expected out of these lectures.
  3. Vincent C. Alexander (SJU) -- NY Practice and Procedure
    Alexander uses ridiculous voice inflections and repeats himself much too often.  Many times it feels like he is lecturing to 4th graders rather than law school graduates.  He gets a few points for trying I guess.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Quick thought on NY P&P

Vincent Alexander, the professor doing the lecture, is a bit over the top with his voice inflections. Not sure what I think about that, but it has been noticeable enough to post about it....

Monday, May 26, 2008

Day 3: NY Practice and Procedure Part I (3 days behind)

  • Scheduled: May 22
  • Actual: May 26
  • Subject: NY P&P I

Well, today is Memorial Day and is supposed to be a day off on the BarBri calendar.  After visiting with the parents for the weekend, I had to study today.  I'm a bit worried about the pace, but I think I'm finally starting to get into the groove of this thing.

Only one big question: BarBri provides lecture handouts with blanks that are supposed to be filled in as you listen to the lecture.  After you fill these in, you review your lecture notes and create a study outline.  Well, I already have some BarBri outlines from 2005, so I'm debating whether it is more efficient to:

  1. Just edit those as I go along listening to the lecture and then review those notes later.
  2. Fill in the blanks and then compare the lecture notes with the outlines I already have after the lecture is over.

If I have any readers (unlikely), feel free to share your opinion(s) in the comments section!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day 2: Criminal Procedure (1.5 days behind)

  • Scheduled: May 21
  • Actual: May 22
  • Subject: Criminal Procedure
BarBri should really include moving out and selling stuff on Craigslist in their paced program.

As it is, much of today was spent dealing with that an not as much as I had hoped with bar studying.

Anyway, crim pro was one of my favorite subjects in law school, so I'm not too bummed about studying it for a while today and finishing up later tonight. I remember a lot of it as well, so not complaints on that end.

I am actually nervous about the bar, though, which is kind of crazy considering the exam isn't even two months away yet. It is a ridiculous amount of material to learn and there are only so many memory tricks you can use before your brain overflows. It's kind of daunting.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 1: Criminal Law (1 day behind)

So this is the first of my schedule type posts. I'm already a day behind, but I'm not terribly concerned because the schedule gives much more time than I need for the weekends and next Monday is already scheduled to be off.

The general format will look like this:
Day 1
  • Scheduled: May 20
  • Actual: May 21
  • Subject: Criminal Law
I have to admit that it's not too bad and it's kind of fun to think again about topics that I learned almost 3 years ago. We'll see how long this attitude lasts.

I'm almost done with the Day 1 work (should have been done already except I watched the Champions League final earlier).

This is a spam blog

At least according to blogger, this blog looks like this:
Shortly after my first post, I received an email stating:
Dear Blogger user,

This is a message from the Blogger team.

Your blog, at, has been identified as a potential spam blog. For an explanation of what spam blogs are, please see Blogger Help.
It then went on to say how I could get the decision reviewed, etc. So, apparently they've now decided the blog is legit again.

So that explains the lack of posts.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Why is this blog here?

Thank you for asking.

This blog is here to serve as a public motivation for my self-study (via iPod) for the NY bar this summer. I will post progress updates relative to the BarBri schedule to track my progress in studying for the NY bar. I might also include comments about the bar studying process, self-study vs. classroom study, or BarBri thoughts in general.

This will not be a personal blog, so those of you wondering what I had for dinner, sorry to disappoint you.